
Naviguate the program of the AGU fall meeting.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting is a geoscience conference held every year in December in San Francisco. With nearly 24,000 attendees, AGU Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and Space science meeting in the world. As such, it represents an appealing tool to explore the critical trends in the geoscience academic world.

I went to AGU every year since the beginning of my PhD. As a young PhD student, I used to find difficult to explore which presentations and which subjects to attend given the thousands of contributions. Therefore, I decided to develop a tool which would aim both at facilitating the navigation within the conference program, and favoring collaboration between researchers based on the content of the conference itself. Especially for newcomers in the field, it could be very nice if such tool existed, simply to identify who and where people are working on a specific thematic.

You can take a look at the current version of the recommendation system through binder


The model resumes to a tf-idf normalized Bag of Word model of the abstract corpus whose dimension has been further reduced to 500 using Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). The results are very promising!

Detailed of the implementation are given here.